
Showing posts from January, 2018

WOOHOO!! 151 Subscribers!

THIS IS AWESOME! We're at 151 YouTube subscribers. Thanks for spreading the word, everyone! -The JVGPictures Team

A few updates...

Hey! We've got a few updates! 1. We only need one subscriber, and then we will be at 150! That is totally awesome guys, keep up the great work! 2. "Seek First" is doing great. Clare Vining has been hard at work on the story-line! She is looking for storyboard artists, an Assistant Director, and a DOP (Director of Photography). 3. The 2018 List of Film Meets is now available! Check it out here ! 4. If you know any friends who might be interested in joining JVGPictures, please let us know! We are looking to grow the group. That's all for now! -The JVG Pictures Team

January Film Meet!

Hello Everyone!! January's film meet was awesome! It was held at the Vining family's home. We filmed the story of Elizabeth and Zachariah! The main roles were played by Mary Vining and Luke Gonzalez. The film was Directed by Jaden MdO. She did an awesome job! We all had so much fun. At this month's film meet, we also discussed ideas for making JVGPictures' film meets even better! Mainly we want to make sure that everyone always has something they are working on. In the past, if it wasn't your turn to film, you would either help with crew, or just watch. But now we are working on a plan to keep everyone busy and learning the entire time! Please let us know of any ideas. We'd love to hear from you! At our end meeting, we also talked about that any of our members are welcome to make films with their family and friends! There is no guarantee that the films will be posted on our YouTube channel, but they probably will be. Please contact jvgpicturesteam@gmail....

NEW Project entering Development!

Hello Everyone! We certainly have some exciting news! A new film is now in development! The title for this short film will be Seek First. This film will be a 7-10min Action/Drama, based on Matthew 6:33 "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours beside." Clare Vining will be writing and directing this film. If you have any interest in participating, we would be so thankful for your help! Just email us at with your name and age, as well as what role you are interested in volunteering for! We will contact you as soon as possible with details about the position, the time commitment, etc. We are so excited to hear from you! Please spread the word about the film to your friends and family, especially if you know someone who might be interested in participating in any way! Thank you so much! God bless, The JVGPictures Team


Hello Everyone!! As we are planning our next film(s), to be filmed this summer, we are looking for Action/Drama short film ideas. If you have any ideas, we would love to hear from you! Just email us a 1-5 sentence description of your idea. Our email is . Our plan is to write the script, storyboard, audition and cast actors, etc. during the spring. Then we will film in the summer, and do post production in the fall. Thank you so much!! The JVGPictures Team P.S. We are also looking for screenwriters! If you, or someone you know, might be interested in screenwriting for us, we would love it if you would email us at ! Thanks!


Hello Everyone! Below are some awesome pictures taken at the premiere! Please let us know if you would like us to email you the pictures that you were in. Thanks! The JVGPictures Team