January Film Meet!

Hello Everyone!!

January's film meet was awesome! It was held at the Vining family's home. We filmed the story of Elizabeth and Zachariah! The main roles were played by Mary Vining and Luke Gonzalez.

The film was Directed by Jaden MdO. She did an awesome job! We all had so much fun.

At this month's film meet, we also discussed ideas for making JVGPictures' film meets even better! Mainly we want to make sure that everyone always has something they are working on. In the past, if it wasn't your turn to film, you would either help with crew, or just watch. But now we are working on a plan to keep everyone busy and learning the entire time! Please let us know of any ideas. We'd love to hear from you!

At our end meeting, we also talked about that any of our members are welcome to make films with their family and friends! There is no guarantee that the films will be posted on our YouTube channel, but they probably will be. Please contact jvgpicturesteam@gmail.com for information concerning JVGPictures' guidelines for our films.

Also, if writing is more your thing, you could write a script and someone else might be interested in making it into a film! Or, if you wanted, you could write a story and ask for help in turning it into a script.

The JVGPictures Team really wants to involve all our members! If you have questions, film ideas, or are interested in filling (or learning) a filmmaking job (i.e. script writing, directing, cinematography, costuming, etc.) but don't know how to get involved, please contact jvgpicturesteam@gmail.com.

Our films wouldn't happen without all our amazing members who volunteer to help make them happen, so thank you so, so much!!

So.... Elizabeth and Zachariah will be coming soon, so don't forget to keep a lookout for it! Also, if you are not subscribed, please do so!

God bless,
~Katheryne Smith and the JVGPictures Team


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