
Showing posts from August, 2018


Hello Everyone!! I know, it's been a long time!! We've been super busy! The teaser for Seek First is out, and you can check it out here! Filming is complete, and editing is really coming along. The Official Trailer will be coming out soon! Here is what we have left in post production: 1. A list (only one page long!) of edits to make. 2. A last run through to check our work. 3. We'll show it to my mom, Mrs. Vining, and make she can give feedback. 4. We'll update the film based on her feedback, and then we will send it to the entire team for review. 5. Once final edits have been made, my dad will watch it. 6. After making last minute changes, we'll send it to Diego Campos for the soundtrack and sound design. 7. While music is being put to the film, we will do final color correction and credits. 8. DONE! :) So as you can see, we are getting to the final stages of the film, thanks be to God! Please pray that everything continues to go super well...