
Showing posts from August, 2017

Post Production!

Yay! Great news! We just received our new desktop computer in the mail and my sister and I just got started on the Post Production of Cyber Attack! See ya all soon! Clare P.S. If you haven't yet RSVP'd for the CA end of Shooting Party, please make sure to do so!


Hello Everyone!! I have some SUPER exciting news!!!! WE JUST FINISHED THE LAST CYBER ATTACK SHOOT!!!!!!!! We are officially done with the production stage of the film!! I have no words to express my thanks to all the families who have devoted their entire summer to this project, and to the everyone who worked so hard and drove so far to make Cyber Attack a success!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU for everything you have done to make Cyber Attack a reality! Clare Producer and Director of CYBER ATTACK


Hello Everyone!! I sincerely can NOT believe that tomorrow will be the last shoot... It seems like 'of course, there will always be Cyber Attack shoots!' I will miss all of my friends! It has been very fun to see them every other day throughout the summer. I look forward to getting a start on Post Production! God bless you all! Clare P.S. Here are some pictures from the last two shoots! More will be coming soon!

The last 3 CA shoots

Hello Everyone! We have completed two of the five CA shoots this week. On Monday we filmed at the Vining home, and on Tuesday at the Gonzalez home. Wednesday's shoot will be held at i Fratelli, and Thursday's at one of our members' church. And then the last shoot on Friday will be filmed where production started, at the Vining family home. See you all soon! The JVGPictures Team

No Way!

'Hello Everyone... Here is the call shoot for the last CA shoot'. What!? Already? I can't believe we are suddenly coming to the end. This experience has been so far beyond my wildest dreams. God has blessed me so much and I am sure he will continue to make this project a success. This has been the greatest Summer ever!

The last CA shoot this week!

Yay! We just finished the last CA shoot of the week! We got to film at a library and it was so much fun! After our day of rest tomorrow (Sunday!), we will begin the most intense week of CA yet! But it's also the last week. I will be relieved when the shoots are done, but also sad. I have enjoyed this so much! Here are some pictures from today. God bless, Clare

Almost to the end!

Hey! We have a two day break before our last shoot this week. Then comes the last week...-5 days of filming straight! It is hard to imagine that after that there won't be any more CA shoots!! So... Bye for now! The JVGPictures Team P.S. Hopefully we will be adding a member Bios page for our members who would like to be on it. Please email us if you would like to add a bio. Thanks!

Some great pictures from today!


Another great CA shoot!

Today we filmed the chase scene in the movie!! It was an awesome and successful day!

Halfway through the second to last week of filming!

Hello Everyone! Clare Vining here, producer and director of Cyber Attack. I just got home from the 2nd shoot this week! We are now halfway through the second to last week of filming! If everything goes as planned, we will have the last CA shoot on Aug. 11th, which is also my feast day! (St. Clare of Assisi) I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am, and I pray that the upcoming shoots will continue to go smoothly! -Clare