So today we are going to share some helpful resources for any of you who are also interested in filmmaking. There are several areas of interest that these resources cover, mostly sound material, and educational material. Inside of sound, we are including many aspects of sound, including Special FX, ambiance, and music. For music there are several sources, mainly Jamendo, and Flat. Jamendo is all music, some under a copyright, and others free for public use. Flat is a platform for music composers, and is great for composing your own score. You can also use other people's scores. However, if using a Flat score, make sure you have permission from the composer. Click here to go to the Jamendo home page. (not a kid-friendly website) Click here to go to the Flat website. In the area of sound fx, we usually lean towards using Freesound. Freesound is a great resource for anything from star wars sound effects to rain drops pitter-pattering against an umbrella. If you are look...