Details on the Costumes from David and Goliath short film
Hi everyone! Here is an overview of the costumes in our short film, David and Goliath. Click here to watch the film.
Some of the costumes came together very quickly, while some, like Goliath’s, took a lot of time to figure out. Many of the actors simply put together their own costume, then went to the costumes director for approval.
David’s costume: Mary Vining got the idea for David’s costume by searching the internet for what a shepherd boy of that time would have worn.
David wears cowboy boots, a white shirt, a tan tunic, a white t-shirt, a brown belt, and a lighter tan cloth, tied in a knot at the back, on his head.
Goliath’s costume: This was one of the hardest costumes to figure out. Eventually, after nothing they tried was working, the costumes people just let the actor put together his own costume. It turned out great!
Goliath wears a dull/fern green piece of cloth, wrapped and tucked, as the bottom part of the costume. On top, he wears a navy blue t-shirt he came in, and then we couldn’t decide what these were called, so a green thingie, and a red thingie. He is also wearing a dress up belt that is actually made of rubber or something, a black and silver plastic helmet, and is carrying a shield. His weapons are a toy dagger that makes noise (the sound effect in the movie when he pulls out his dagger really happened on set), and a spear made by sticking a dagger made out of cardboard, popsicle sticks, and duct tape, into the top of a pvc pipe.
David’s Father’s costume:
David’s Father wears a light grey tunic over jeans, with a light tan cloth across one shoulder and held in place by a brown belt. He carried a walking stick.
David’s Brothers’ costumes: David’s Brothers’ costumes were put together by themselves, their older sister, Jaden, and Katheryne Smith.

The first brother wears a light green tunic with a large grey shirt over it, and a light brown strip of cloth for a belt.
The second brother wears an oversize, long sleeved, blue button down shirt, black pants, and a grey and white speckled scarf as a belt.
The Sheep: The sheep wear white tunics. The sheep on the left wears a hat made of cotton balls sewn together, and the sheep on the right wears a headband made of white yarn that was crocheted, crocheted, and crocheted again, to make it thick.

The Israelites’ costumes:
The girls who gave David the stones put together their own costumes. The girl on the left wears a piece of pale pink cloth tied over one shoulder and secured with a strip of gold cloth. On her head she wears a hot pink and purple checkered scarf. The girl on the right is wearing a brown cloth tied over one shoulder in a similar fashion. On her head is a brown and pale blue flowered cloth, tied like a bandanna.
The Israelite seen in the picture above wears black pants, a tan button down shirt, and a navy blue vest.
This Israelite wears a cream colored, satin skirt, with a lace-like design on it. She wears a light green cardigan, and holds a lightweight striped cloth in various shades of pink that was intended to go on her head.
The final Israelite is wearing a brown tunic as a shirt, a blue cloth knotted at the back, on his head, and two pieces of cloth, one cream with lacy sections along the edge and one a dull/fern green, for the lower half of the costume.
These costumes were all put together within about 30 to 40 minutes.
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