February Film Meet

Hey ya'll!

February's film was so much fun! It was held at my house, and we really learned a lot.

The younger kids (age 11 and under) made an Olympic fails video. It was directed by Bernadette Lourdes.

The older kids (age 12-15) filmed just a few shots, working on high quality, of a short film depicting Psalm 23. It was great for everyone to try a different crew position than usual. Positions were as follows:
Producer: Clare Vining
Co-Producer: Mary Vining
Director: Jacob Gura
Lighting crew: Jacinta Fatima and Meadow Flowers
Cinematography: John Green
Screenwriters: Mary and Clare Vining
Director of Photography: Clare and Mary Vining
Set designer and builder: Clare Vining

We will be finishing filming this short at future meets.

We also sang 'Silent Night' for the 2017 Christmas Reenactment, directed by Katheryne Smith.

Altogether, we had so much fun! Feel free to let us know any time if you'd like to join us, or invite a friend to one of the meets!

Clare Vining

P.S. Woohoo! Seek First script first draft is complete! We are now starting the long editing process! :-)
P.P.S. So glad to welcome our newest members Jacinta Fatima and Bernadette Lourdes.


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