Film Updates

Ok so I know that it seems like we introduce a new film idea pretty frequently.
We do. Honestly, I know we love to start on projects, but we don't always finish them.
So here are a few updates on our started films and when we expect them to come out by.

First of all, the film festival in October that we were going to enter in was canceled for this year, so we will hopefully be joining one Spring 2017.

Our Short Film Surge was a big success and we created a bunch of great short films, including, 'Olympic Fails', 'Our Puppy, Sophie', and 'To Catch a Rabbit'. Thanks so much to all of our hard working members!!

Our choose your own adventure video has been postponed, and will not be finished until Summer of 2017.

We are still hoping to get to act as extras in Star Wars Episode Eight or Nine. That would be wonderful!

Joe is still working on Code Red with his talent. I am not sure when they expect that to be done, but I have been told it is a long term endeavor.

Revolt is in the development stage. Kathryn Smith has kindly volunteered to write the script, and it will be lengthened to about thirty minutes.

The Homeschooling video is complete.

And we are starting a new film with a different branch of actors called Cyber Attack. I will post about it ASAP.

Well that's all for now!!

Happy Filming!
Clare Vining, Founder JVGPictures

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